
Mayor Mr. Miller Oh and members of the City Council, I am Yoshiko Matsuura, an Assembly member of the City of Suginami in Tokyo. On behalf of the 13 Delegation members from various City Assemblies in Japan, I would like to express my gratitude. I am deeply honored to be given this opportunity to speak to you today.

Please allow me to speak in Japanese from now. Our interpreter will translate into English.)

私は、二人の息子と二人の娘の母でもあります。子供が小さい頃は毎日必死で子育てに奮闘しておりましたが、お蔭さまで今は四人とも それぞれの分野で活躍し、時には私を助けてくれます。日本では子供は「親の背中を見て育つ」とよく言われますが、今では親である私が子供の背中に学ぶことも多く、大変有り難いことだと思っております。
I am a mother of two sons and two daughters. While my children were small, I really have to struggle everyday to raise them. Now all four of them have grown up, working in their own fields, and help me sometimes. In Japan, we say “Children grow well looking the back of their parents.” I now learn a lot from my children, which is  very rewarding.

I cannot express how much we thank for being able to visit America together with 12 of my likeminded comrades.

Buena Park is famous for Knott’s Berry Farm. Snoopy is popular and loved in Japan from children to adults. Unfortunately, we cannot visit the park this time, due to our official capacity. When we come again next time as private visitors, we would definitely like to visit Knott’s Berry Farm.

As there are media reports about Buena City Council in Japan, we know very well that your council made the right resolution about the controversial issue on August 27 last year. We highly respect and express our sincere gratitude for your appropriate and conscientious decision. The United States and Japan have overcome various hardship in our history and deepened our bilateral relationships. As good partners, we contribute a lot to the world.

Three years ago, Japan suffered massively by a killer earthquake and Tsunami. At that time US Forces named its operation “Tomodachi” (meaning “Friends”) and immediately came to rescue people suffering from the disaster. We will never forget the friendship your country offered to us. Taking this opportunity, I would like to express our gratitude again.
When American soldiers took off Sendai Air Port upon completion of their mission in Japan, they saw letters made of woods which read ARIGATO (meaning “Thank You”) on the beach near the air strip. I heard American soldiers were also moved. (Photo 1)
It was the moment when the bond of our bilateral relationship between the United States and Japan became much firmer. But we have more stories to confirm our friendship between the two countries.

Economically as well, we are good partners. Direct investments to America from Asia-Pacific region are: Japan 71%, Australia 14%, Singapore 6% and South Korea 5%. Cooperation together, America and Japan play a great role for contributing to the world. We certainly believe that we would like to deepen the bond of our relationship further. (Chart)

Have you ever come over to Japan? In Japan, we have the world’s longest monarchy which has been in Japan for over 2,600 years to the 125th Emperor of the present.

Also in Japan, we have over 80,000 Shinto shrines. The Grand Shrine of Ise, among all, is a homeland of the heart of the Japanese. Every 20 years, its two main shrines (inner and outer) are renewed, built on the land just next to the precious shrine was built. The ceremony is called “Sengu” meaning transferring old shrine to a new shrine. It is the biggest festival in Japan. We had its 62nd ceremony just last year and the shrine exactly the same one built 1,300 years ago was rebuilt. (Photo 3) It symbolizes Japan’s continuation of tradition. It was impressive that a female priest related to the Imperial Family led the “Sengu” ceremony this time as well. (Photo 4)

Japan is the country which respects women culturally since ancient period. Naturally, education has been given to female without any discrimination against men. Such culture produced female novelists such as Murasaki Shikibu or Sei-Shonagon even over 1,000 years ago. (Photo 5)

In our 13-member Deligation, five of us including myself are women and we are all City Assembly Legislators. Japanese society is aging. Each municipality implements measures to prevent disease to cut medical expenditures. We also implement measures for working women to manage work and house duties. Due to lack of nursery schools, there are a lot of children on the waiting lists for enrollment. That is a common problem of almost all municipalities. Creating good local community is the foundation of building a good country. We make day to day efforts to attain such goals.

As a friend and ally, we would like America to take an initiative and leadership to become a stronger and more heart-warming country.. To deepen mutual understanding of the both countries, we definitely need exchange of both nationals. To that end, it is vital to have exchanges of local municipalities between the two countries.
既に 440 の都市が姉妹都市などの友好関係を結んでいると承知しておりますが、今回の視察をご縁に、今後もお互いに友好を深めいければと強く願っております。
440 cities  have friendly relationships as sister cities with the American cities. Taking this opportunity of our visit this time, we would like to deepen our strong friendship ties further from now.

In 2020, the Olympics will be held in Tokyo. We would like to welcome you comfortably and do our best to “O-mo-te-na-shi.” Please come to Japan. We look forward to meeting you again in our country.

Thank you very much, again, for giving us your precious time and thank you for your kind attention.